On November 15, David Michelson will give a presentation of the Syriac Gazetteer to the Geographic Imagination and the Spatial Humanities Seminar at the Robert Penn Warren Center for the Humanities.

Temporary links to the demo site for that presentation are:

The Gazetteer homepage may be viewed at demo.syriaca.org

A list of all places is viewable as a Browse Menu.

Our model entry is Edessa.

A general overview of the entire Syriaca.org project is here.

Our work adopts the Un-GIS model advocated by Sean Gilles (co-author of GeoJSON) in this article: What’s an Un-GIS?

The general architecture of our project owes much to the work of Tom Elliott at NYU’s Institute for the Study of the Ancient World.

Our data model is this TEI Schema (Since we created this from scratch, we would love your comment on it from any perspective to help us improve it. Even–or especially–if you are not familiar with TEI, please do look it over and offer any feedback.)

Underlying data formats for our project at XML>TEI and Linked Open Data>RDF Triples. We are also using spatial coordinates though not strictly GIS data.

A demo showing how a propospography entry might link to manuscript entries and other data is here.

Since this is a pre-publication draft, please note that these links are for demonstration and testing purposes only and should not be cited.  This is especially important since these URLS and content will change before publication.

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