On Dec 3, Syriaca.org general editor David Michelson will be presenting a demonstration of the Syriaca.org collaborative tools to the Digital Humanities Seminar at the Robert Penn Warren Center for the Humanities at Vanderbilt University.

A general overview of the entire Syriaca.org project is here.

A very rough visualization of the data architecture can be seen here.

The Gazetteer module homepage may be viewed at demo.syriaca.org

A list of all places is viewable as a Browse Menu.

Our model entry is Edessa.

A demo showing how a propospography entry might link to manuscript entries and other data is here: http://pipsqueak.atlantides.org/srpdemo1/persons/13.html

Since this is a pre-publication draft, please note that these links are for demonstration and testing purposes only and should not be cited. This is especially important since these URLS and content will change before publication.

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