editor Dr. Nathan Gibson will present a paper, “ Frameworks for Digital Research in Syriac Studies”, at the Symposium Syriacum XII, held at the Pontificio Instituto Orientale in Rome, Italy on August 20, 2016. The abstract for the paper is below:

For generations, Syriac scholars have relied on literature histories (such as Baumstark’s) and manuscript catalogues (such as Wright’s) to identify, access, and describe Syriac works. Yet these tools are outdated, limited in scope, and laborious to use. The New Handbook of Syriac Literature is planned to be the most comprehensive and easiest to access Syriac literature guide to date. It will complement A Guide to Syriac Authors, which provides names, dates, and other identifying information for over 800 authors of primary texts related to Syriac. These digital reference tools will not only enable scholars to conduct their research more effectively, but also help them engage in new types of research. This presentation introducing the New Handbook and the Guide to Syriac Authors will (1) demonstrate the major features of these works, (2) suggest new research directions they will catalyze, and (3) explain how Syriac scholars can contribute their expertise to these ongoing projects.

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