The team is pleased to host thirty scholars for a workshop at Marquette University, May 23-24, 2017. Senior scholars and graduate students from the U.S., Canada, France, and Germany will be trained in digital research methods for scholars interested in social history, hagiography, prosopography, Syriac studies, and the application of digital humanities to the study of late antiquity.

Using a biographical text as a test case, participants will:

  • collaboratively publish a social network graph based on John of Ephesus’ Lives of the Eastern Saints
  • methodologically engage with current trends in digital prosopography, hagiography, and social history in the study of Late Antiquity
  • become familiar with the core digital humanities technologies of TEI XML and Linked Open Data
  • receive technical training in using and contributing to the digital tools of

Instructors include: Nathan Gibson (Vanderbilt/LMU Munich), Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-Laurent (Marquette), David A. Michelson (Vanderbilt), Dan Schwartz (Texas A&M), and Kathy Torabi (Texas A&M). Muriel Debié (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris/Institute for Advance Study, Princeton) will serve as senior respondent to the workshop and offer a closing keynote address.

Topics include: linked-open data, basic TEI XML, the data model, authoring through (including XForms), understanding professional credit for digital scholarship. Participants who complete the workshop will also be invited to join in a collaboratively authored encode data from a hagiographical text over the summer.

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