Three of the editors will participate in a panel “Introducing New Online Tools for the Study of Syriac Christianity” as part of the 2014 annual meeting of the North American Patristics Society in Chicago, Illinois.

A copy of the handout from the presentation is here: NAPS2014SyriacaorgHandout

The full program is here:

May 23, 2014
Session 28 9:00-10:40 AM, Room: Michigan C
Introducing New Online Tools for the Study of Syriac Christianity
Chair: Joel Kalvesmaki, Dumbarton Oaks
David A. Michelson, Vanderbilt University:
“ as a Model for Collaborative Research on Late Antiquity”
Daniel L. Schwartz, Texas A&M University:
“Networks beyond Borders: The Potential of a Syriac Prosopography”
Jeanne-Nicole Saint-Laurent, Marquette University:
“Digital Gateway to the Syriac Saints”
Maria Doerfler, Duke Divinity School:

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