Dr. Nathan P. Gibson, co-editor of Syriaca.org’s New Handbook of Syriac Literature, will present a paper titled “Toward a Cyberinfrastructure for Syriac Literature: Mapping a Text Corpus using TEI and RDF” at the Digital Classicist Berlin seminar on January 24, 2017. Abstract A few years ago, scholars of Greek and…

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David Michelson (General Editor of Syriaca.org) and Dan Schwartz (Director of Syriaca.org) have recently published an essay,  “Syriaca.org: New Digital Tools for the Study of the Medieval Middle East,”  in Istoričeskij Opyt Mirovyh Civilizacij I Rossiâ: Materialy IV Meždunarodnoj Naučno-Praktičeskoj Konferencii 13 Noâbrâ 2015 G., edited by I. K. Lapšina and O.…

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Lead co-editor of The Syriac Gazetteer Prof. Thomas A. Calrson will present a paper, “Named concepts Between Reality and Imagination: Syriaca.org’s Approaches to Historical Places and Persons”, at the conference Global Philology – Digital Infrastructure for Named Entities Data, held at Leipzig University on January 11, 2017. Click here for the full text of…

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Syriaca.org editor Dr. Nathan P. Gibson will present a poster coauthored with Prof. David A. Michelson, “Modeling a Body of Literature in TEI: The New Handbook of Syriac Literature”, at the TEI Conference & Members’ Meeting in Vienna, Austria on September 29, 2016. The poster and poster text, not including…

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Syriaca.org editor Nathan Gibson will present “A Guide to Syriaca.org Reference Tools and Desiderata for Central and East Asia” at the 5th International Conference on the Church of the East in China and Central Asia: June 19-22, 2016, Universität Salzburg (Austria). Persons, places, and hagiographic works relevant to Central and…

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Syriaca.org director Daniel L. Schwartz will present on “The Social Context of Religious Change in Late Antique Syria” at the conference Faith and Community around the Mediterranean in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages at the New Europe College in Bucharest, Romania. Abstract of the paper is as follows: The unprecedented…

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