Sarah Bond of the University of Iowa has written an interesting round up for the Biblical Archeological Society on digital gazetteer projects for the ancient world including The Syriac Gazetteer. Her article notes: “The utility of historical geography in uncovering early Christian communities can also be seen in a number of…

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Three of the editors will participate in a panel “Introducing New Online Tools for the Study of Syriac Christianity” as part of the 2014 annual meeting of the North American Patristics Society in Chicago, Illinois. A copy of the handout from the presentation is here: NAPS2014SyriacaorgHandout The full…

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On 5/16/2014 David Michelson and Graduate Assistants Justin Arnwine and Anthony Davis will present a paper “Finding Colophons in Exploring the TEI Encoding Model” at the 2014 Hugoye Symposium (Rutgers University). The full program is at A handout for the presentation can be found here: Handout for…

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Standards for Networking Ancient Prosopographies: Data and Relations in Greco-Roman Names (SNAP:DRGN) is a collaborative Digital Humanities project to address the problem of linking together large collections of material (datasets) containing information about persons, names and person-like entities managed in heterogeneous systems and formats. SNAP is funded by the U.K.…

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Prof. Saint-Laurent will discuss her digital humanities work with among other aspects of Syriac studies as part of The Fifth Dorushe Graduate Student Conference on Syriac Studies to be held in 2014 at Duke University. Here are some demonstration links for that presentation: The Syriac Gazetteer: Additional Documentation:…

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David Michelson will present a workshop for students at Gordon College on 3/18/2014: “Introduction to Digital Humanities and” Below are some notes for the presentation which will introduce, the broader field of digital humanities, and discuss the Text Encoding Initiative’s guidelines for cataloging manuscripts. Outline Alphabet Soup:…

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