On May 3, 2019, Syriaca.org was proud to announce the release of the Srophé App, an eXist-DB application which enables researchers to encode and link historical data. The release took place as part of the “Encoding Cultural Heritage at Scale Symposium,” and was accompanied by a panel discussion of the…

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On May 2, 2019, Syriaca.org Director Daniel Schwartz will present “From Text to Data and Back Again: Modeling Syriac Heritage with TEI and Linked Data,” a presentation on Syriaca.org’s forthcoming SPEAR module, a digital, factoid-based prosopography for Syriac studies as part of the “Encoding Cultural Heritage at Scale Symposium,” May…

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Syriaca.org general editor, David Michelson moderated a panel on “Syriac Studies: New Conversations” as part of the Regional Late Antiquity Consortium Southeast (ReLACS) held at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN with panelists Samuel Barry (Eastern Tennessee State University) and Tina Shepardson (University of Tennessee). Among the projects discussed were:…

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On 8/21/2018, Syriaca,org editors Nathan P. Gibson, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München; David A. Michelson, Vanderbilt University; and Daniel L. Schwartz, Texas A&M University will present on “Syriaca.org and Perseids Editorial Review” a presentation on how Syriaca.org is implementing the Perseids platform for editorial review (http://www.perseids.org/). A copy of the slides from the…

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The Digital Cultural Heritage Research Cluster at Vanderbilt University has announced the hiring of Dr. Michelle M. Taylor as the first Post-Doctoral Fellow in Digital Cultural Heritage. A biography and interview with Dr. Taylor is posted here. An experienced scholar in TEI XML, Dr. Taylor will undertake a number of…

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Syriaca.org General Editor David A. Michelson presented a lightning talk at the site visit “Integrating Digital Humanities into the Web” held at Vanderbilt University by the the project team for the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Digital Humanities Advancement Grant “Integrating Digital Humanities into the Web of Scholarship with SHARE”. For…

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