Dr. Nathan P. Gibson, postdoctoral scholar at Vanderbilt University and co-editor of Syriaca.org’s New Handbook of Syriac Literature and Guide to Syriac Authors presented a paper titled “Robust Digital Approaches to Literary History: The Case of Syriac” on May 27, 2017 at the North American Patristics Society (NAPS) Annual Meeting.…

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Syriaca.org editors Drs. Daniel Schwartz, Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-Laurent, and Nathan Gibson were interviewed May 24, 2017 on WUWM Milwaukee Public Radio by Mitch Teich of the Lake Effect show. Listen to the interview: MP3 or click on “Listen” at http://wuwm.com/post/turmoil-displaces-middle-eastern-christians-scholars-work-preserve-syriac-culture. Read the article: As Turmoil Displaces Middle Eastern Christians, Scholars…

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The Syriaca.org team is pleased to host thirty scholars for a workshop at Marquette University, May 23-24, 2017. Senior scholars and graduate students from the U.S., Canada, France, and Germany will be trained in digital research methods for scholars interested in social history, hagiography, prosopography, Syriac studies, and the application…

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Balzan.org recently spoke with Professor PETER BROWN, 2011 Balzan Prizewinner for Ancient History (Graeco-Roman World), about the Project he undertook with the half of the Prize devoted to research. Since 1986, Peter Brown has been the Phillip and Beulah Rollins Professor of History, at Princeton University. Previously he was Professor…

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Dr. Nathan P. Gibson, co-editor of Syriaca.org’s New Handbook of Syriac Literature, will present a paper titled “Challenges of Polyvalent Infrastructures: The Case of Syriac Studies and Syriaca.org” at the Global Philology Open Conference on February 22, 2017. Slides | Video | Conference Program Abstract Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal…

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