editor Prof. Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-Laurent will present a paper, “Prologues in Syriac Hagiographies”, at the Symposium Syriacum XII, held at the Pontificio Instituto Orientale in Rome, Italy on August 19, 2016. The paper draws on research in Syriac hagiographical prologues undertaken using’s newly published Bibliotheca Hagiographica Syriaca Electronica…

read more editor Nathan Gibson will present “A Guide to Reference Tools and Desiderata for Central and East Asia” at the 5th International Conference on the Church of the East in China and Central Asia: June 19-22, 2016, Universität Salzburg (Austria). Persons, places, and hagiographic works relevant to Central and…

read more director, Dr. Daniel L. Schwartz gave a lightning talk on to the Digital Humanities Working Group, part of the Melbern G. Glasscock Center for Humanities Research at Texas A&M University. The meeting included presentations on ten additional Digital Humanities projects at Texas A&M University.

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On August 10, 2015, team members Nathan Gibson and Winona Salesky will be presenting a short talk, coauthored with David Michelson, at the Balisage Pre-Conference Symposium on Cultural Heritage Markup in Bethesda, MD. (See details in the full program here.) The theme of the symposium is “using markup to…

read more editors will be presenting on their work in the digital humanities in sessions at the 2015 North American Syriac Symposium held June 21-24, 2015 at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. Details are here  and here. On Wednesday, June 24 from 9:00-10:30 AM, these same scholars will…

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