On July 11, 2019, Syriaca.org Director Daniel Schwartz will present “Syriac Persons, Events, and Relations: A Linked Open Factoid-based Prosopography,” a presentation on Syriaca.org’s forthcoming SPEAR module, a digital, factoid-based prosopography for Syriac studies at the annual Digital Humanities Conference. The presentation can be found here

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Dr. Nathan P. Gibson, co-editor of Syriaca.org’s New Handbook of Syriac Literature, will present a paper titled “Toward a Cyberinfrastructure for Syriac Literature: Mapping a Text Corpus using TEI and RDF” at the Digital Classicist Berlin seminar on January 24, 2017. Abstract A few years ago, scholars of Greek and…

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Syriaca.org editor Dr. Nathan P. Gibson will present a poster coauthored with Prof. David A. Michelson, “Modeling a Body of Literature in TEI: The New Handbook of Syriac Literature”, at the TEI Conference & Members’ Meeting in Vienna, Austria on September 29, 2016. The poster and poster text, not including…

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Syriaca.org editor Prof. Daniel L. Schwartz will present a paper, “Syriac Persons, Events, and Relations (SPEAR)”, at the Symposium Syriacum XII, held at the Pontificio Instituto Orientale in Rome, Italy on August 20, 2016. The abstract for the paper is below: Recent prosopographical work within the fields of Late Antique,…

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Syriaca.org editor Dr. Nathan Gibson will present a paper, “Syriaca.org: Frameworks for Digital Research in Syriac Studies”, at the Symposium Syriacum XII, held at the Pontificio Instituto Orientale in Rome, Italy on August 20, 2016. The abstract for the paper is below: For generations, Syriac scholars have relied on literature…

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Syriaca.org editor Prof. David A. Michelson will present a paper, “Syriaca.org: Frameworks for Digital Research in Syriac Studies”, at the Symposium Syriacum XII, held at the Pontificio Instituto Orientale in Rome, Italy on August 20, 2016. The abstract for the paper is below: Syriaca.org is a set of digital tools…

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